Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Decisions... Decisions!

In less than two months, I will have started school as a senior! I cannot even comprehend the fact because I've spent a few minutes every year since probably kindergarten imagining the day when I would be at the top! And yet, here it is, the middle of July and it's a wonderful yet sad thought. I only get one more year with: 1st Day of School, Master's Trip, Class w/(insert teacher here), Mall Escapade, one28 sermons, small group, being a tour guide, SLC, soccer, basketball, track, choir, Snow Retreat, Eagle Week, Banquet... the list goes on! I'm sure it will be a year blessed with close friendships and spiritual growth, but even thinking of leaving Grace is almost unbelievable. When you've spent almost 13 years somewhere... you tend to get a little attached to say the least!

Anyway, I'm sure by September I'll have come to grips with the truth that I'm a 12th grader... For now, I'd like to share what senior-ish things I've been up to:

*I got my SAT scores back... they were high enough to qualify for a medium high scholarship at Embry-Riddle and the top at LeTourneau. If you really are THAT curious, you can ask me for the actual score.

*I need to take the ACT this September to try and get the top scholarship at Embry so I can hopefully avoid taking the SAT again... ugh!

*I've gotten 2 CLEP tests out of the way, but I need to do 2 more. 1 easy, 1 that will require reading half a World History book. Pray for me, k? :)

*I've narrowed the field down to just two colleges, the ones I keep mentioning of course! Cal State Poly is too snooty and too expensive. WSU is a great school, but the closest thing to the major I want is materials engineering. I suppose I might still go there, but it's unlikely. But, hey, who am I to say what God's plan is for me?!

*I get to play soccer again- praise God the whole shin with bruises and dry skin was merely an allergic reaction to rubber! I shall however, be purchasing good ol' padded shin guards. And, new cleats that actually fit! :)

*I keep getting senior picture ads in the mail, and I'll probably get one sitting in at least in August. As long as my hair looks OK! :D

*As for the Europe Trip, I'm feverishly saving money from working at the airport, working at Gap, and mowing 2 neighbors' lawns.

Well, those are a few updates. Ichthus, here I come! (Only 1 more time of that too after this year!)

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NatNannyNad at 10:00 PM
