Tuesday, October 10, 2006
The Wings of Fame Benefit
"For once you have tasted flight you will walk the earth with your eyes turned
skyward, for there you have been and there you will long to return." ~Leonardo
de Vinci
Say hello to my favorite quote about flight. This is also the quote on the first page of the invitation that I'm holding in my hand right now. The invitation to the event that normally costs $500. The one of two invitations that I got for free because I interviewed. This is the story of the last two amazing weeks of my life.
I got an e-mail awhile back from the Future of Flight asking if I would be willing to do a video interview with 9 of the 15 "luminaries" (famous aviators) that would be guests of honor at a gala on the 14th. It was equivalent to asking a person who wants to be a senator if he wants to interview the President. Yeah. Duh. Here's the BASIC info on the wonderfully inspiring people I met:
*Joseph Sutter. "Father of the 747" and owns half the patent on the 737.
*John Hutchinson. A former Concorde pilot.
*Susan X. Ying. A very prominent woman at Boeing who was in the final phase of testing at NASA to become an astronaut before discovering she had cancer – she is now one of the few women who leads at Boeing.
*Captain "Bo" Corby. Pilot for NWA. Business owner of several aviation companies.
*John Nance. A former Boeing 737 pilot who now writes books and does many television interviews on commercial aviation safety.
*Capt. Suzanna Darcy-Hennemann. Chief test pilot for the 777 who recently set a world distance record for a commercial jet.
*Captain Hideki Endo. Japan Airlines pilot who will be one of the first to fly the 787.
*Jake Schultz. Author of the only book written about the flying car.
*Michael Fopp. 787 Chief test pilot.
This list does not do them justice at all! Each one was unbelieveable... all the things they had accomplished. The innovative, determined spirits they had were unforgettable. Many overcame difficult obstacles and followed their childhood dreams. The videos will be used at the event and some parts may be used on the gallery floor. Please feel free to ask me about specific people and experiences- I love them all! I even bought the books of two of them and will get them signed. I'll write more after the fun gala evening on Saturday, but right now I have to go...
I'll leave you with the event description from the invitation:
"Join us for an enchanted evening of inspiring stories, delectable dining, and a glimpse into the future. Enjoy a festive and savory autumnal feast with the best of the northwest- showcasing the very finest of the bountiful Fall harvest from our local Snohomish County Farmers. Meet and dine with the Wings of Fame- aviation luminaries who have made significant contributions to commercial jet aviation. They will share their remarkable experiences with us- along with a few surprises- throughout this magical evening."
Hehe. Sounds like a blast! I can't believe it... well, I'll let you know how it goes... Bye for now!
NatNannyNad at 8:25 PM