Saturday, January 27, 2007

Red Robin & New Friends

Well, as you might be able to guess, I am officially an employee of Red Robin now! I'm very excited because I barely squeezed through to become a server (they usually only make you a server if you have previous restaurant experience), although I have much to memorize. I will definetely be in prayer that I can get it done, yet also focus on the important things during 07SR. There's probably gonna be a quiz at the POS training on Friday (I get to leave early and ride with Mrs. Bone!). So please think of me when you pray. I have a lot to learn about this job and I want to excell! One of the more interesting things was getting a liquor card so I can bring drinks to the table. I'm ok with it because of the strict house rules that RR has and because I can refuse anyone service the second they begin to look drunk. I don't mind people enjoying a fun drink, but I do not want to be involved in allowing people to sin! Thankfully, our wonderful state has very strict guidelines, so I'm comfortable with having the responsibility.

Lately, the basketball-playing seniors have been hanging out. That's been really quite fun! At school, all of the seniors have been getting tasty treats during finals. Last week was our favorite candy bar with a Proverb on the front and a couple days ago we got doughnuts and juice. Yum! But, back to b-ball! First, Kim made posters and her and Andrea got goodie bags for the guys' last home game. All of us went out to Olive Garden and the mall one evening to start our good times off. We've also gone to Andrea's house for lasagna and bread and cookies before playing Lopez (We won by the way! If we beat Tulalip next Tues., we'll be in the play-offs). Then, we went to Andy's house and played catch phrase (all seniors also went to his house after a previous game and played catch phrase). Just yesterday, we all met at Bob's by Wal-Mart and had lunch, celebrating Andrea's 18th. Then, we jumped in vehicles (I got a ride with Stu and we "raced" Andy and Andrea to the Conklin's by going a different way. They got stuck in traffic and we won!) and headed to Andy's yet again. The guys had us girls play a round of Halo to mock. But, hey, I got 27 kills and the others only had 1 or 2. Hehe. After a couple of guys-only rounds, we played catch phrase yet again. Love it! Girls won this time, yeah baby! Anyway, that's a lot of crazy stuff, but I'm loving making closer friends with other fellow seniors!

Only 2 days until 07SR! I'm sure I'll have alot to say when I get back from that! Whew! Well, I gotta go pack and get ready for helping Sarah out (DG's housewarming party).

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NatNannyNad at 9:28 AM



at 8:41 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok salad friend, time for a talk, number 1 street racing with a guy is NOT ok, and number two killing people isn't ok either, lol jk I love you!


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