Sunday, February 04, 2007

Why e-mail FW:s are Retarded

This is somewhat random and definetely unrelated to the 07SR or RR, but it made me laugh. I was going through old e-mails from 2003-2004 (I've had Yahoo that long) and found one of those great forwards make a wish things. So you have to make a column of numbers and write names and song titles (first ones that come to mind) next to each of them per instructions.

Apparently, according to this "foolproof" quiz:

I'm madly in love with Chester.
I like David Zimmer but it can't work out.
I care the most about Esther Martin.
Sarah Giordano knows me the best.
Sarah Zimmer is my lucky star.
"Say Goodbye" by Skillet matches with Chester.
"Bright Lights" by Matchbox 20 matches with DZ.
"Made to Worship" by Chris Tomlin is my mind's motto.
"Crazy" by Alanis Morissette is how I feel about life.

Only 2 of those are true. But the other ones make for some good laughs, eh?
Tell me which ones and I'll give you... nothing, but it's still fun to guess.


NatNannyNad at 7:58 PM



at 10:11 AM Blogger Andy B. said...

The Chris Tomlin part and you caring alot about Esther. You have to give me a prize though. Maybe a space shuttle ride!?;)


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